I love to read about conspiracy theories and other "deviant" ideas. I am definitely convinced that there is something is wrong with the 9-11 story, that aliens have landed and that fluoride is poison. I don't really believe in hollow earth theory or David Ickes lizard people, but I still love to read about it!
I have avoided writing about this topic for years, mostly for fear that I will end up on a no-fly list; this is not a theory, there is something wrong when a person fears repercussions for exercising freedom of speech and thought. I believe that it is patriotic to question government and healthy to engage in what-if discussions. Based on what I have been reading from big media, this position makes me mentally ill and borderline criminal.
Two quotes to sum up the truth
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” - William Shakespeare
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - Lord Acton
I get more truth per second from Alex Jones, then I get per hour from Fox News. It is definitely more entertaining.
I haven't tried this myself since I have never had cancer, but since I have a 50% chance of getting it in my lifetime, there is a very good chance I will eventually live in California.
After watching this video, I searched all over the net for further proof. There are tons of legitimate studies to back up what he and the people he has helped claim. I have lost two people, just this year, to cancer. I begged them to watch this video, but nobody will listen because it is illegal. Personally, I am furious with the leaders of this country for not even looking into it.
Here is a video about a father who decided to give it to his son... and the little guy lived, while the doctors said he would surely die.
My dad once told me, that everything a man does, he does with the expectation that it will attract the kind of woman he wishes to bed. The way he dresses, the car he chooses to drive and the job he chooses to get are all to attract women. I would like to know if this is true, because it seems to make sense. Alternatively, if this is true, isn't it odd that men complain that some women tend to be attracted to these things? Perhaps men are, in some ways, just as crazy as women.
Women are really the opposite. We don't do things simply to attract men, well... we do and we don't. If we buy a nice car, dress sexy, wear makeup or get a great job, it is mostly because it makes us feel empowered.
Pay attention, but keep it to yourself.
Here is where we start to sound nuts!
We want you to think we are attractive, but if we are not already interested in you, we don't really want you to express your appreciation. Too much attention from men ranges from annoying to creepy, even if we like you.
How do you know if we are interested? Well... you don't. One clue is that we will not look at you unless we either have a good reason or we think you are not paying attention; if you catch us, we will pretend to be looking at something else; if we lock eyes we will quickly look away. Another clue is if we touch ourselves, not in a sexual way! It would be more like touching sensitive parts of our bodies, such as the neck, lips or ears; this is especially true when you speak.
Really, if you pay attention to the hunting habits of cats, you will better understand women.
This craziness may only be OCD women, like me! When it comes time to perform any task, especially cleaning and organizing the house, things get weird and conflicted in our minds. We all have our set ways of doing things and like to stick to our routines; it makes things move faster and ensures that nothing is forgotten.
Lets go with the example of cleaning the house. I will get irritated that everyone is doing nothing but watching me do all of the work and not lifting a finger to help. I will grumble to myself about their laziness and wish someone would pick up a broom. If I ask for help and get it, I end up regretting it, because I don't like the way they do it and wish they would stop.
In reality, I want help, but I don't. It is freaking stupid. I complain that I have to do it alone, but I want to do it all myself. I want you to want to help, but I don't actually want your help. The weirdest thing of all is that I don't always do a very good job, but I still want it done my way!
I am aware that this makes no sense. I have long since learned, as long as things are put where they belong, to just appreciate the help I get and praise a good job done. As for my man, I only ask him to do manly things that involve computers, tools or heavy lifting; I makes him feel manly and helpful, and I won't have to fight the urge to go behind him and redo his job.
Sliced bread doesn't have a thing on Webjoe07. He is a baker and a wonderful teacher; he makes it easy and if you do exactly what he does, you will never buy another loaf of bread from the store.
Check out his Youtube Channel, I have tried many of his recipes and they are all as easy and he makes them look. I have been making this bread for a couple of months and found that it costs 25 cents per loaf.
Have you ever noticed that super models look like stick figures while porn stars do not? Do men read Vogue or Playboy? Well, why do we all try to look like super models?
If your man says your butt looks big in those pants, unless he is gay, it isn't an insult. Alternatively, if he says your ass looks nice in those pants, what he means is that it looks big and he likes it.
You are much more beautiful then you think you are.
If it isn't funny, don't laugh at it.
Want to get your man to stick around forever? Don't stoop to having babies, just... mom don't read this... Turn that exit only, into open for business.
If your man doesn't want to hear about your period, simply remind him that it means he is not a daddy.
If you think your best friend might be into your man, tell her about how much you love his stinky feet, the way he picks his nose and nightly dutch ovens.
If your man has been playing video games for 6 hours and you want his attention, don't yell at him or smash his game system, strip down and start cleaning the room he is in... Trust me, he WILL log off.
Don't get mad at your man for watching porn, watch it with him.
I now reference the favorite video of every man I know:
Don't get mad at your man for masturbating, they start doing it as soon as they discover it is there.
Don't ask him if he was thinking of you, because you won't like the answer, he was probably thinking about porn.
Don't try to change your man, because you can't. You need to remember how much you love him and move his socks from the coffee table to the hamper. No amount of nagging will change a thing, but a significant amount of nagging will leave you single. You might as well buy a pretty basket and keep it in the living room!
In college I worked in the chemistry lab part time. We decided to take on the task of cleaning and organizing it. Along with countless bottles of chemicals so old the labels had corroded off, we found 3 bottles of mercury with scotch tape for lids.
We had no idea what to do with that mess, so our professor took us to a seminar called "So you spilled a little mercury". There they demonstrated, using the same method used in the video, how much vapor truly comes off of a small amount of mercury; it looked like the steam from a mug of hot coffee. They told us that a drop of mercury the size of a pea is enough to condemn a house; well, how much mercury do you think you have in each tooth? In the video, they say the silver amalgam is 50% mercury!
The women in my family are SO cheap and proud of it. We love clearance, thrift stores and garage sales; we love it so much we make "junkin'" an event. We get up a 6 a.m., put on our walkin' shoes, grab our ridiculously large mug of coffee and set out on the days adventure of digging through other people's junk.
Sometimes going with my mom feels like we are in the army and she is the commander. On the way there we each run down the list of what each of us are looking for and how much we want to spend; that way, if one of us finds one of these items, that person can stand guard over it until the others arrive. We drive around to scout out the densest population of the most promising looking sales, so we can plan our route in 10 minute intervals in order to walk and park efficiently. If we think we spot a target, we immediately stop, investigate then recalculate the route. We do this until we run out of sales or until my moms back starts to hurt.
This is the perfect time to give you an example of yet another insight into the crazy minds of women
In each instance I will be discussing the same shirt, new, with the tags still attached.
Handmade by a local artist: We would be happy to pay $25.
The store: We only shop sales, for the shirt we would be willing to pay $10.
The thrift store: $4 would be a good deal.
Garage Sale: no more then $2.
My mother would disown me if I even thought of paying $10 for the shirt at a garage sale and she would pat me on the back if I got it at the store. Even though I know it makes no sense... I would agree with her.
If I ever get the chance to take a time machine for a test drive, I will take a trip to visit my 18 year old self and slap her silly. Then I will guide her to the family computer, tell her to skip college and give her 20 bucks for a book on HTML.
I LOVE my family, but they make me crazy; maybe they bring the crazy out in me. I am the only one that doesn't have children and the only one with crazy radical ideas. So when I visit, everything I say is poo-pooed or voted invalid due to lack of stretch marks.
Dead beat parents are scum and the single parents who do the right thing and tough it out are saints; but, you will never convince me that sending a man to jail with a felony conviction for being a loser and a moron is the right thing to do. My father was completely absent, but never in a million years would I think he deserved to have his life ruined for it.
We have more people, per-capita, imprisoned in this country then any other country in the world, including China. The really scarey part, is that those prisons are privately owned and use the prisoners for what amounts to slave labor; I strongly suspect that this has something to do with why so many people are put there; they are publicly traded and therefore have to, by law, turn a profit.
I believe the only reason a person should be imprisoned is to protect society from them, not to convince an idiot to get a job and support his children.
Women are crazy and we will readily admit it; don't dare tell us that we are crazy, because we will spend the next week analyzing what you meant by that. Part of the problem is that men know they don't understand the minds of women and yet women believe they know exactly what men are thinking. We over analyze everything and forget that men don't.
Men think women are catty to all other women, this is and isn't the case; we are nuts, but there is method to our madness. Women love the companionship of other women, but this love turns to hate if we fear our relationships might be challenged.
Oh How Women Struggle to Understand Men!
People always glance at newcomers and tend to look longer if that person is attractive. Women will avoid looking at an attractive man in the presence of their own men, because we know what automatically runs through our minds; we can't help but evaluate the kind of mate that man would be. We assume our men know exactly what we are thinking and we don't want to hurt their feelings. So... when our men look at an attractive woman, we assume they are thinking the same thing and we think it means something that they don't hide it.
Essentially, we get upset because we find her attractive too and fear you might want her more then you want us. In fact we will evaluate her as a mate and then compare her with ourselves and try to figure out who you will like best. This inevitably results in fear and cattiness. It sounds stupid and crazy, but we can't help it; just like men can't help but look at a pretty woman.
I don't know how men think, but I suspect that all men look at women and if they are happy it doesn't mean anything at all. However, if we constantly make an issue of the looking and try to forbid our men from doing it, they will become unhappy and it will start to mean something.
The solution
Women, let it go, they can't help it.
Men, don't stare too long or our ability to let it go will fail.
As a follow-up to my last post, this is something that I wrote after I had my heart broken for the third time. I was only 19 and by that point I was already starting to get fed up with dating.
Wonderful and illustrious dreams of consuming him dance in my mind, then die at my feet. Quietly I lie awake listening, hearing only the steady rhythm of his heart thundering through my mind. His breath whispers away the dust that coveted my eyes. I open up, only to see him walk away.
His seemingly loving arms embrace one eagerly helpless creature. He grins listlessly as the heart chokes and fades. The love diminished from his eyes, softly he lets her fall; his body warms at the sight of his handiwork.
Nothing subtle in his motives,
nothing feeble in his mannerisms,
no menace in his actions.
It lies within him,
the pain is his.
Wisped away again, the nook in my heart was too big for such a small predator.
I am so heart sick of listening to my male friends go on and on about finding some random girl to sleep with and listening to my female friends talk about getting their hearts broken again and again. Something is very disjointed in our world.
I know that not all people are the same, but I believe that the vast majority are similar. It seems as though most of the time men want someone to play with for a while and women want to find out if he could be her future husband.
Man A sees woman B and thinks he likes her boobs and ass and would like to bed her; if it is good enough, maybe keep going back to her. Woman B sees man A and thinks he's handsome and would make cute babies, she may envision waking up with him in the morning, what it might be like to live with him, laughing with him, evaluate his hygiene, whether or not he is in the closet and even if she can take care of herself and prides herself on that fact, she will still try to figure out if he is capable of taking care of her.
Woman B decides go ahead and sleep with man A and decides he is a very good match indeed. Six days or six months down the road man A starts to get bored and begins looking for woman C while woman B is already in love. Women B, C, D, E, etc. all get their hearts broken and spend the next 5 years wondering what it was they did wrong and why nobody ever loves them.
Men! Even if a woman agrees that there are no strings attached and the two of you are just having fun, she is developing an emotional attachment to you and will be hurt if you leave or if she is not the only one you are having fun with; the movie Vanilla Sky is a perfect example. I have known many women who say to the world "if men can sleep around so can I" and then I listen to them as they cry, in private, about about not being loved.
Women! If it looks like a playboy and talks like a playboy... RUN!
I haven't watched the whole movie "The Secret", only the first 20 minutes; this is all I needed to hear to know it was true. I have tried to talk to friends about it and they think it is totally hokey. I think it's the most enlightening 20 minutes I have spent in a long time; suddenly many "coincidences" made a lot of sense and suddenly I felt more in charge of my life then I ever have.
I started thinking about my childhood, which was not very pleasant, and all of the things I would wish for. I would get up in the middle of the night and sit by my window and dream about what my life could be when I grow up. Once I started my adult life, I abandoned my dreams and tried to do what was expected instead of what was in my heart. This lead to fruitless struggle and bitter disappointment.
These days, I have everything I wanted and it all started with finding the right man. I had always envisioned a specific man and for most of my life I wished for him at every wishing opportunity and searched for him in every man I met; I figured I would recognize him when I saw him.
How right I was, not only is he the mate I longed for, but soon after all of my old dreams started falling into place. Today I was reading an old journal and found the entry for the day I met him, I described him as "more a point of light then a boy" and as soon as he smiled at me I knew it was him! I suppose subconsciously I figured it he could be real, all of my other dreams could be real too! Once I began to believe it, opportunities started to come out of no where. I think if I met my younger self, she would be proud.
This is a topic I have a hard time discussing, because most people think I am nutty if I do and I do not enjoy being poo-pooed. I hope that someday, someone who can relate will read this post and want to talk to me about it. I strongly believe in the soul and reincarnation. I believe, through my own experience, that the soul carries knowledge, desires and memories from one life to the next.
I wrote this poem at age 10. I entered it into a poetry contest in the 7th grade, but I had written it long before. The winner was never officially announced, so I went up to Mr. Weatherby after class and asked who had won. He said "You did". I never heard it read aloud and I never got a prize; all I ended up with was the strange puzzled look gave to me when he told me I had won.
Good night my love, for now I must rest
and fear not, that when I awake I will be sad and lonely
for I shall look down upon your heavenly face
betrayed by an earthly host
and pray that one day
when the stars sing the last note of their lost song
that we will be together again, singing our first.
I was afraid the look meant he thought I was plagiarizing but couldn't prove it; which hurt because he was my favorite teacher. I was aware even then that the things I wrote had to come from somewhere other then my own adolescent mind. I had no concept of what this poem meant, I just thought it sounded right; now as an adult I can see this poem is one soul telling its mate not to be afraid because love never dies.
I would get this build up of emotion, then let it all out through my pen. I would use words I was sure I had never read and even if by some chance I had, I was sure I wouldn't know how to use them properly. Most of the time I would write then look the words up to see if it made sense.
I always believed that I must have been a poet in a past life. I believed that these must be words my soul was remembering from that life in times of emotional need. I only write when I am sad, and when I am through I always feel much better.