Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Secret - Does it really work?

I haven't watched the whole movie "The Secret", only the first 20 minutes; this is all I needed to hear to know it was true. I have tried to talk to friends about it and they think it is totally hokey. I think it's the most enlightening 20 minutes I have spent in a long time; suddenly many "coincidences" made a lot of sense and suddenly I felt more in charge of my life then I ever have.

I started thinking about my childhood, which was not very pleasant, and all of the things I would wish for. I would get up in the middle of the night and sit by my window and dream about what my life could be when I grow up. Once I started my adult life, I abandoned my dreams and tried to do what was expected instead of what was in my heart. This lead to fruitless struggle and bitter disappointment.

These days, I have everything I wanted and it all started with finding the right man. I had always envisioned a specific man and for most of my life I wished for him at every wishing opportunity and searched for him in every man I met; I figured I would recognize him when I saw him.

How right I was, not only is he the mate I longed for, but soon after all of my old dreams started falling into place. Today I was reading an old journal and found the entry for the day I met him, I described him as "more a point of light then a boy" and as soon as he smiled at me I knew it was him! I suppose subconsciously I figured it he could be real, all of my other dreams could be real too! Once I began to believe it, opportunities started to come out of no where. I think if I met my younger self, she would be proud.

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